Grins and Giggles: June 2009

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Midnight ramblings

Well, it is yet again midnight and I am up not able to sleep. This is happening more and more now! I can only figure that it is becuase I have no time to myself during the day and need "ME" time at some point in the day! whatever the reason... I am up and bored.

I finally gave in tonight and ordered the camera battery a new charger so I can take new pictures again starting sometime this week. YEA!!! I miss out on so many good (hilarious) moments.... like the loads of fun pool party today. Where Ben and DJ had a ball in the pool. Then Ben decided he needed to go potty and not tell anyone... ON THE DECK. Then proceded to point and say "yuck" haha.... Like he didn't do it! then he peed in the lawn... Then ran up on the deck and said: watch out... benny's coming... So we found out that the Ben model comes with a warning system! too bad it doesn't work all the time!

Ben is also covered in Ant bites. He stood in an ant bed on Saturday and his right foot has a good 50 or so bites and the left has a good 15 or so. I don't have a camera to take a picture, but suffice it to say, he looks like he has some kind of skin disease. Poor guy. We have been giving him Benadryl and he is doing better. He won't wear shoes. He has too many bites between toes and all. and on the bottom of his feet.

He is now sleeping thru the night MOST nights. This is a huge improvement! I am so glad! We don't have to sleep with him anymore! DJ isn't doing as well. His teething keeps him up half the night now. I will be glad when he gets all his teeth and we don't have to fight that anymore!

In the next few weeks we have lots to do! We are painting the living room and hallway a green color. We will have it done before the shower!!! yea! The outside of the house will be painted sometime soon as well (probably not before the shower) It will be cream and Midnight blue color. That way the brick isn't looking purple. Haha. Thanks to Stephanie, we will not have a purple theme!

Well, I guess that is it. Still not really ready to go to bed, so surfing time!


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Father's day Fun

Well, this past Sunday was Father's Day and we loaded up the car and headed to Shreveport for some family time. Everyone else was still in church when we got the the Port city, so we went around the corner and went to see MawMaw's grave site. The headstone for MawMaw and PawPaw is perfect for them... I cried a little, boy do I miss her, but she is in a better place and as she said before she died, no tears. She had fresh flowers out there (i didn't know they were REALLY fresh as in we had just missed my godparents putting them out....) I had known their anniversary (MM and PP) was coming but I learned that via the headstone that it was that day.... 56 years together almost. And PawPaw had no clue today was his anniversary.

We went back to Paul's house and ate some awesome food (such good cooks in the Wilhelm family) And played some. I WOULD have taken pics, but my camera charger is MIA so i can't. Then we headed to PawPaw's nursing home. It is such a depressing place. I don't like going there. I can't wait till he can leave.... if he can. With as bad as he is, they are not letting him leave yet. He can't remember much. He doesn't know what to do with a card (as in a greeting card). he just sat there holding the envelope and looking at it. We have to hand him the card itself now, not in an envelope. But he and Benny and DJ fed the birdies... Ben had looking forward to this ALL day. He kept saying go see PawPaw and birdies haha. Coke floats and cake were eaten and then we headed back to Paul's house for some more play time. Then home. Wish I had pics.. Jamie put a few up! Check them out!

Friday, June 19, 2009


So lately it seems I have become a bit of an insomniac, as it is 12:55 and I can't go to sleep. So what better thing to do than to blog while everyone else rests.

Lets see... The kids are doing well. DJ went in for his two week post op today. He is doing peachy. The doc said we don't have to come back until October unless something happens. So now we just wait till then. He showed me the buttons in DJ's ears. They kinda look like little blue contacts with a hole in them. DJ is also saying tons more stuff. Not all of it is recognizable, but we are getting there! Ben is well too. He knows how to push buttons tho! He is getting better with his brother. Not as much beating up.... which doesn't say much because there is still a lot.

When I figure out how to put pics from my phone on here, we have some cute ones to put up... Until then, i guess I should try to go to sleep again!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

So. time to update!

The new favorite pasttime in this house of everyone (but me so far)

Well, a week ago we traveled to Wally world without a care in the world.... Then came home with an extra load... Yes, our two new children are two 7week old kittens. The grey one (Stormy) is Ben's, and DJ's is named Dusty. The kiddos love the kittens... not sure I can say the same for Dusty... she doesn't like DJ or Ben at all Could have something to do with the torture techniques DJ uses on her.,.. Maybe the detainees could come see DJ... haha JK... anyway. Dusty really loves Joey. Me, she just kinda deals with me or uses me to get away from DJ. haha. Stormy loves EVERYONE. She is very laid back like DJ is... And come to think of it, Dusty is just like Benny.... hmmm irony.

Stormy Dusty

In other news:

Joey just got a pay raise and a new level in inspection. woot woot!!! We are excited. His pay raise comes just in time for turnaround... (translation: pay raise just before some OVERTIME!!!!) hECK YEA!

I am working on my Avon harder than ever. I am currently doing lots of promotion of Fundraising... so yea, let me know if you can help me get this going!!

DJ is talking like CRAZY!!! He says stormy, said Nonna the other day, says cat, dog, kitty cat, mama, and just babbles ALL the time! This is why healthcare doesn't need to be under government control... BECAUSE OF MEDICAID DJ's hearing and speech were greatly impaired.... they refused to let him go to an ENT and since we didn't have other insurance, we couldn't take him anyway. So it took the little guy's ears bleeding for a week for them to send us.... yea... GO GOVERNMENT RUN HEALTH CARE....


I am having so much fun working on the shower. Fixing to start the advice book and so can't wait!!! I love doing fun things! :) tHIS IS one of the diaper cakes! The other one is better i think, but this one is done!

I finally got my camera back!!! THANKS PAUL AND aUNT G!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Our family grows

Well, our family is growing. We have two new kiddos. we think the two new ones are girls!!!! More to come... but just FYI!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

I've got the Spirit, how about you?

Yesterday I went to the President's club Tribute for Avon. I had made President's club for last year at the LAST moment (In two campaigns I sold almost 3 grand worth of stuff). Of course I was super excited and now I get to make more money and get more FREE stuff! YEA!!! So I dropped the boys off with their BitBit yesterday morning and went to West Monroe to part-ay. Oh what a party it was!!! There were about 150 or so Avon reps there from north Louisiana. Unfourtunately, my sister wasn't able to go courtesy of three holes in her leg (we missed ya sis!). We got lots of free products, got to rub elbows with people making 50Ks and above selling AVON. Who knew you could make that much selling perfume and make up (and so much more). We ate ribs, brisket, sausage, salad, potato salad, bread pudding (though I might add, Joey's bread pudding was tons better Don't tell him!). I learned about some new products (and committed to buying 700 dollars worth of a new Bond Girl perfume that wont be out until August and I will get it in two weeks!!!!) I got to get excited about new things coming up, about my potential for next year. I am working on trying to get a lot of fundraisers going. If you know someone that needs a fundraiser and wants to make SOME MONEY doing a fun fundraiser with little work, let me know! I bought a Bentley the Bear, the fundraiser bear that people can use as a fundraiser and give the bear to children in need!) I got excited about the cruise I am about to win (ALL EXPENSES PAID CRUISE!!!!) But the ABSOLUTE BEST AND COOLEST PART of the whole day was completely unexpected.

Towards the end of the lunch, they did the Spirit of Avon awards. Each District Manager (dm) go to pick one person out of their whole district that embodies the Spirit of Avon. This person does everything she can to help others, be cheerful, supportive etc. Angela Dana, my DM and good friend, selected ME.... yes, ME... I was sitting there as they announced the others from other disitricts thinking, "well, I think Letta or Alice should get it. Letta is Angela's right hand person now and Alice is her superstar seller!" So I waited to hear Pauline announce one of their names. Pauline started tearing up as she started talking about District 1762 winner (that is my district). She said this person is the most amazing and energetic person she knew. Not really words I would use for myself. Then she announced : "The winner of the Spirit of Avon for District 1762 is Elizabeth Wilhelm" I was shocked. I looked at Angela and she was already crying. The little segment on me that Pauline then had to read had every other winner, the DMs, and most of the people there (as well as ME) in tears. A little history now: I started Avon almost two years ago. I didn't really do anything with it because I didn't think that I would get much out of it. I didn't believe in what I was doing. So a little more than a year after that (November of last year to be exact, I FINALLY decided to do something with my business. I took all the training courses, I read all about all the products, I took myself and my business seriously. But above all, I BELIEVED IN MYSELF. This made the biggest difference. If you look at what I have done so far this year, I have done more than I did in the first year and a half. So Back in December I sent Angela an email telling her thanks for being there and putting up with me until then. She asked me waht the difference was... and I told her that I finally believed in myself and she cried. She forwarded that to Pauline, who proceded to cry too. Since then, Pauline, Angela and I have kept up and I have worked hard. Now I intend on working even harder in recruiting, in sales and in being the spirit of Avon.

This is the plaque they gave me:

"The Spirit of Avon award is an award given from the heart. The heart of a Manager and the heart of Avon. Although it is often hard to choose just one recipient because there are so many special Representatives, one person's incredible spirit stands out above the rest. Not necessarily because of sales or a high dollar increase, or even recruiting excellence, but because of an attitude of giving, sharing, and selflessness.

This person gives of herself continually. She builds her own business by professionally and courteously seving her customers. She also cares and shares with other representatives, as well as all who have the privilege of crossing her path. She is a friend; she is a teacher; she is a blessing.

She is the SPIRIT OF AVON.

Thanks to Angela for her kind words, of which I am not sure I deserve all the time, but I will strive to live up to your words of me. Thanks to my customers who have been quite loyal despite some slip ups when times got tough in Avon with shortages and all. Thanks to my downline that is always working hard under me. And most of all, thanks to my family and friends, who have gotten me to where I am today.

If you know anyone or you yourself are interested in making more money, let me know. I will help you make your dreams come true (and get a free cruise in there too!!!)


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

To hear again

Well, DJ's is doing well. He was at the hospital this morning (after Momma was up all night again with Benny) at 6am. By 7 he was back in the operating room, by 7:20 the doctor was talking to us, by 7:50 Joey was bringing around the car and by 8:20 we were home again. It was all really fast.

DJ got a little lion from the hospital and he loves it. He keeps giving the lion hugs. Its too cute! Dr. Danna said that DJ's ears were the worst he had seen. He had egg whites in his ears basically. The little guy couldn't have heard well with fluid of that consistancy in there! Well, he no longer does. Doc said that DJ would be fussy when we first got him back... which he was for the next hour or so. Then when we got home, he looked at pictures and talked to his godparents and cousins in the pics on our wall/fridge and calmed down. He loves his Aunt Gina and Will and the girls! He then proceded to play all day (despite the Doc saying he would sleep all day) All he did was take the normal naps he usually takes... But Momma did get to take about an hour nap when both little ones were passed out.

DJ will actually improve his speech and hopefully won't walk like a drunk all the time now! I am so glad that it is all over now. I know he feels a lot better now! We just can't get water in his ears and have to wait 10-18 months for the tubes to come out!

Thanks for the prayers!

DJ and Liz


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

And we try again

Okay, We are going to try this again... I don't think the info for this got out correctly last time.

This is our family blog. I guess this is the easiest way to share pictures and what is going on in our everyday lives. Thanks to Joey's brother and sister-in-law for the idea, once again.

Well the first thing is that DJ is having surgery tomorrow morning. He will have tubes put in his ears in the am and hopefully the bleeding and fluid problems will cease. And maybe he will hear better too! The downfall to this is he can't get water in his ears so he will have to wear earplugs all the time when he is in the pool or tub. for like 10 months or until they come out. But I am glad that the munchkin will get some relief! Poor little guy! But he is walking now! And I don't mean just holding on to stuff! He toddles around (actually he kinda looks like a penguin when he walks) haha. He isn't talking but that is probably because of his ears.

Ben is growing... Fast. He does know how to throw a GOOD temper tantrum too. ugh... I hate the terrible two's...

I need to hit the sack. DJ has to be at the hospital at 6am and that calls for a REALLY early rise for us since the hospital is 30 min away (at least)
